Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Chapters 3, 4, & 5

In chapter three, the first main points covered what is most important to reveal when designing a website. These five things were: create a clear visual hierarchy on each page; take advantage of conventions; break pages up into clearly defined areas; make it obvious what's clickable; and minimize noise. Considering we are now putting together our low-fidelity webpages, these are key to keep in mind. Understanding the importance of hierarchy will help us in the future for all of our designs, whether they be print or web based. Chapter three also described how important conventions are. Conventions are important to understand where the information comes from, and why this information is of importance. They are useful for an audience because they work, and they help people navigate with ease, minimizing confusion (thought). Chapter 4 describes that websites should be clear, and precise. You should leave no questions with your user, so take out all of the unnecessary information. "Omit needless words," is very important when creating a webpage. Like the previous chapters, users scan, and don't read things that they aren't of interest. Chapter 5 tells us to get rid of everything that isn't needed, and keep all of the important things. Page 45 says that this will benefit you by reducing the noise, making useful content more prominent, and will make the page shorter. These will make both you and your user happy!

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