Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Unit 1 Reading Response

The beginning of this book talks all about the user interface of a website. The author Steve Krug makes an important note that, like the title, we should not make people think. The user interface of an application should be a thoughtless process where the user is able to find what they need with ease. In chapter one, Krug talks about how a person's thoughts occur while using a website. People should not have to think about what they are looking for. The more thoughts they make, the more likely the person is to get frustrated. People scan pages, rather than read them, so it is important to realize that they are usually in a hurry. Normally the viewer would feel like reading extra is unnecessary and a waste of time. 

Reading these chapters made me realize that this is relevant to our day and age. These facts are true, and important to understand while creating any type of user interface design. We don't want to confuse people, and it is our job to make things simple and easy for our user. By removing all of the question marks we will have on satisfied audience, and a content designer.

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